Rite of reconciliation (confession) and pastoral counsel at grace cathedral
Grace Cathedral clergy are available for confession and pastoral counsel on Good Friday, from 10 am – 2:20 pm. This page contains some an overview of confession in the Episcopal Church. A link to an appointment form is at the bottom of this page. For a more robust discussion of confession, see this thoughtful article from the Society of St. John the Evangelist.
What: Confession is an invitation to encounter God’s extraordinary grace and forgiveness in a confidential, one-on-one conversation with a priest.
Who: Anyone! In the Episcopal Church we say, “all may, some should, none must” when it comes to Confession.
When: Anytime that you feel trapped by guilt or are tempted to think that you are unforgivable. The season of Lent is, historically, a popular time to seek out Confession, but Confession is available by appointment year round with any member of the clergy staff.
Where: On Good Friday, clergy are available for Confessions, by appointment on Zoom and in-person on the outdoor labyrinth.
Why: because God’s forgiveness is greater than our own sins – but we so often forget it. Confession reminds us that, no matter what we have done, we are God’s beloveds and that grace is available to us at every moment.
How: it can be helpful to spend some time beforehand in prayer and reflection on what is weighing on your heart and where you are most in need of grace and forgiveness. In the Confession itself, the priest will guide you through what to do – no special knowledge or memorization is required!
Reservations are required for both Zoom and in-person confession. Click here to fill out a reservation form (go to the bottom of the page that comes up).