This plan was proposed by Fr. Chip Larrimore and approved by the Vestry on Wednesday, 17 June 2020.
At this time, Christ Church does not anticipate re-gathering for in-person worship on Sunday mornings until a vaccine has been developed for Covid-19. Instead we will put our resources into enriching and expanding our online worship.
At present, Christ Church offers a 9:30 a.m. Rite III Family Worship service and a 10:45 a.m. Rite II Main Worship service online via Zoom. The 9:30 service is a Zoom “call” while the 10:45 service is a Zoom “webinar.” In July we will add an 8:00 am Rite I Contemplative Worship service. We are also looking into acquiring better-quality video and audio equipment to make our online worship more accessible.
The exception to this plan is the possibility of outdoor in-person worship mid-week. Plans for this are still under consideration. If we initiate this service, we will adhere to the following guidelines:
- Service will be Noonday Prayer held in the Campbell Hall Garden
- No other on-campus activity may be taking place during the service
- One priest or deacon will be present to lead the service
- Chairs will be spaced no less than 6 ft. apart
- All attendees must call or e-mail ahead to reserve a space
- Masks will be worn by everyone in attendance
- Attendees will enter the Garden via the stairs on the north side of the garden and exit the via the ramp/gate on the south side of the garden
- Only printed handout bulletins will be used for worship (no prayer books)
- Hand sanitizer will be available on tables at the entrance and exit of the garden
- Chairs will be sanitized before and after worship
- Restrooms in Campbell Hall will only be available if absolute necessary and will be sanitized after use
- Update regularly with any new CDC guidelines as changes in the pandemic warrant.