We Have Re-Opened for In-Person Worship!

We Have Re-Opened for In-Person Worship!

We Have Re-opened for In-Person Worship!

Information and FAQs

All are welcome to join us for in-person services. We are returning to in-person worship cautiously, ensuring due care for all our worshipers. Masks will be required, and windows and doors will remain open. Our musicians will provide all music; there will be no congregational singing. Social distancing is strongly encouraged, and some pews will be taped off to facilitate this. We respectfully request that you attend in-person services only if you are fully vaccinated.

Our worship might look a little different for a while than it did pre-pandemic, but we will find plenty of new ways to celebrate!

See the FAQ section below for more details on our in-person services and other reopening plans. If you have any questions not addressed below, please feel free to contact the church office by clicking HERE.

And for those who prefer online worship, we will continue to hold our 8:00 am service on Zoom as a fully online service. The format of the service will remain as a contemplative, intimate Zoom call. ) Click here to join that service on Sundays at 8:00 am. Our family service on Sundays at 9:00 am is also fully online. You are also welcome to attend our Wednesday noon “Lectionary preview” Bible study, which also meets via Zoom. While not a worship service, this study is a great way to consider the readings for the upcoming Sunday and to connect with others parishioners. You can learn more or join that study by clicking here.


Click on a frequently asked question below to see the answer. We will continue to update this list as conditions and guidelines change. (most recent update on 9/16/2021)

A. The 11:00 am in-person service will take place in the church sanctuary. The doors and windows will remain open throughout the service and a hand-sanitizing station will be set up at the front door.

A. We are not requiring reservations at this time. All are welcome.

A. Masks are required to participate in in-person services, except for fully-vaccinated worship leaders when they are speaking or singing.

A. At this time, we are not requiring temperature checks. Everyone will be masked throughout the service, and a hand-sanitizer station will be available at the door. We ask that if you are feeling ill, you remain at home.

A. We respectfully request that all eligible Christ Church parishioners be vaccinated for Covid-19, and to attend in-person services after they are fully immunized. At this time, we are not requiring proof of vaccination status to attend an in-person service, but we do ask that you attend only if you are fully vaccinated.

A. Social distancing is strongly encouraged, and we ask everyone to be sensitive to differing comfort levels. The passing of the peace and birthday/anniversary blessings will be touchless.

A. Yes! We celebrate the Eucharist in both kinds (Bread and Wine) every week.

A. The congregation comes to the altar for communion, first one side of the church and then the other. This will minimize contact and crowding in the aisle. The bread will be in the form of individual wafers, and the wine will be served in individual cups.

A. Passing the peace will be touch-less. Everyone will stand in place and offer the peace to those around them by waving, bowing, or other similar gestures.

A. Our worship leaders will lead in the singing and speaking aloud, and may remove their masks when doing so. The congregation is invited to sing or to offer liturgical responses behind their masks.

A. We will not pass the offering plates during the service. An offering box will be available in the narthex at the back of the church for your cash and checks. We also encourage you to continue using our online giving options or mailing checks to the church.

A. Following our in-person services, everyone is welcome to engage in extended greetings and conversation outside. We will begin holding a simple, outdoor coffee-hour on October 31, 2021.

A. To promote best quality for both our online and our in-person services, we do not plan any kind of hybrid option or live-streaming of in person services. Our 8:00 am online service will be fully online, focused on our Zoom congregation. Our 10:30 in-person service will be fully in-person, focused on the congregation in the building. If you prefer to attend services online, you are warmly invited to login to the 8 am service.

A. Due to concerns about legal and privacy issues, as well as limited tech personnel, we will not be offering recorded services.

A. You are warmly invited to join us for the 8:00 am service, which we will continue to offer online via Zoom. You can join that service by clicking here. You are also welcome to attend our Wednesday noon "Lectionary preview" Bible study, which also meets via Zoom. While not a worship service, this study is a great way to consider the readings for the upcoming Sunday and to connect with others parishioners. You can learn more or join that study by clicking here.

A. To preserve the intimate, contemplative feel of this service, we have chosen not to record it.

A. Absolutely! You are most welcome at the 8:00 online service and the 11:00 in-person service.

A. Yes! We offer an in-person worship service at the church on Wednesdays at noon. This is a quiet service of Holy Eucharist. You are also welcome to attend our Wednesday noon "Lectionary preview" Bible study, which also meets via Zoom. While not a worship service, this study is a great way to consider the readings for the upcoming Sunday and to connect with others parishioners. You can learn more or join that study by clicking here.